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Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids)

Betelgeuse Black
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Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover (UK editions)?

Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Vote_lcap13%Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Vote_rcap 13% 
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Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Vote_lcap0%Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Vote_rcap 0% 
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Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Vote_lcap6%Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Vote_rcap 6% 
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Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Vote_lcap0%Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Vote_rcap 0% 
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Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Vote_lcap31%Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Vote_rcap 31% 
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Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Vote_lcap19%Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Vote_rcap 19% 
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Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Vote_lcap31%Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Vote_rcap 31% 
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Total Votes : 16
Poll closed

Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Empty Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids)

Post  Potteraholic Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:44 am

I looked over the list of Archived polls and didn't see this one, suggested by [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] back when we were on World Crossing.

"I was just looking at all of the books and I was trying to decide which cover I like the best. So now that we have all 7 covers, how about a poll to decide which is the favorite?" ~ geauxtigers

The poll will run for 3 weeks. Vote cancelling is not an option, so choose carefully, as you can only pick one choice.

Feel free to post your comments about your choice, if you'd like.

Happy voting! Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) 2222139670

Bloomsbury Kids:

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Ravenclaw Prefect
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Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Empty Re: Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids)

Post  Potteraholic Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:40 pm

I wish I had thought to ask my friends in the UK to buy me a set of these stamps! I wonder if the United States Postal Service would ever do something similar? I guess if they were going to, they'd have done so by now. Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) 3906177977
Ravenclaw Prefect
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Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Empty Re: Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids)

Post  Betelgeuse Black Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:45 pm

I like these book covers more than any of the Scholastic book covers. They are also more interesting than the adult Bloomsbury covers all in all (to me).

BB Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) 1205762161
Betelgeuse Black
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Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Empty Re: Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids)

Post  Solitaire Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:23 pm

I prefer these covers, as well. Order of the Phoenix is my favorite among this group, although HBP and DH run a close second. I love the flames on both OP and HBP, but the flames on OP look a lot like gold, to me. The DH cover almost reminds me of Christmas, as sparkly and multicolored as it is.
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Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Empty Re: Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids)

Post  Mona Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:08 pm

I voted for POA. Buckbeak is beautifully drawn and the whole cover looks really good.
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Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Empty Re: Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids)

Post  Verity Weasley Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:41 am

I voted for Order of the Phoenix again, but it was much closer this time. I was tempted to vote for Philosopher's Stone. I love the overall colour scheme and the Hogwarts Express, but Harry looks all wrong. I guess it has very fond associations for me as well, being the start of everything, but that just wasn't enough to overcome the badly drawn Harry. Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) 2752390508 Soli, I know what you mean about the Deathly Hallows cover. That was another close one, but in the end I had to go for the simplicity of the OOTP cover.

Edit: PAH, I didn't even notice these were stamps when I first looked at them!
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Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Empty Re: Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids)

Post  dizzy lizzy Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:03 pm

I went for the HBP cover with the fire whip. I am very fond of these covers, I liked them far better than the Scholastic ones and about the same as the UK adults covers. Ron and Harry in the car in CoS always brings a smile to my face. The gaudiness of DHh always seems to offset the serious tone of the book.
dizzy lizzy
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Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids) Empty Re: Which is your favorite 'Harry Potter' book cover? (UK editions - kids)

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